Thursday, May 13, 2010


May (as will be noted in future blogs) has been a long time coming for several months now. Not only did I finish the swashbuckling epic "Three Musketeers", but we were / are able to be a pair of swashbucklers ourselves (I understand I have used this term in past posts, however, it is a sweet use of older lexicon). The weekends of May are nonstop, packed, action / adventure thrillers that Michael Crichton or Dan Brown would salivate over. Unfortunately, the former has recently passed. The month unfolds as this. Weekend 1: (baseball game. FUN and an apropos debut to the month). Weekend 2: Caving trip (expanded below). Weekend 3:Pete Freeburg's Birthday. Ok, not that big of a deal, but we are going bungee jumping that Saturday. Keep your eyes peeled for some epic videos. Weekend 4: Buddha has given us the courtesy of having a birthday that is worth noting in the far east. This birthday has given us a free Friday and a long weekend. Therefore, we 're going to Tokyo from Thursday night-Sunday. It's about a 2 hour flight from here and a perfectly expensive weekend getaway. More on that when time permits.

Allow me to ramble on a more suitable subject. A subject that inspired the creative title of this blog.
As I have just said, we went caving this past weekend. We went with Adventure Korea, the same group we went on the ski trip with in mid-February. This trip took us to the Chungcheongbuk-do Province (central Korea), which was about a 2.5 hour bus ride from Seoul. Another great getaway from the city. The first leg of the trip included a 2.5 hour ferry ride on this river. The day was perfect and the ferry ride on the river spared very little beauty.
There has been a recent fad here in Korea among the foreigners. When I say foreigners, I mean Pete Freeburg, Erik Johnson and Reuben Haggar.I understand that the Lonely Island song "I'm on a Boat" is a bit old, but we've been singing that song a lot lately, and putting us on a ferry for 2.5 hours won't help us stop. That's the reason for the pose, cuz "I'm the king of the world on a boat like Leo."

Near the end of the ferry ride. Note the greasy hair. I ate a bag of Korean knock off "Bugels"And my greasy fingers probably found their way into my fair hair.

After the ferry ride we went into a cave with even greasier hair. The cave was called Gosu Cave that runs up to 1,300 meters deep. This cave was not what I was expecting. I have been in a couple of touristy caves in my day, so I had some reservations prior to entering the cave. When I say this cave was not what I was expecting, I mean it was much cooler than what I thought. It took us about an hour (possibly hour and a half) to walk through this cave. There were spiral staircases galore. This cave was huge and pretty awesome. Data from "The Goonies"was behind me and was chomping at the bit to rig some booby traps to stop the Fratellis.(I hope Data was Korean, or else I just made a gross generalization.)
If I ever had any doubts about the existence of faires, they were foiled this weekend. I found their bathing place. Next time I see an oil company trying to cut down a rainforest, I know where to find the last remaining defenses.

I'm reluctant to put any more pictures of the cave on this blog, as the average onlooker who was not there would begin to think they all look the same. Regardless, if you are still interested in more pictures, you can verily look on our picasa webpage.

After Gosu cave we came here, Dodamsanbong Peak. In order to give you more information about this place, I shall briefly cut and paste what Adventure Korea told us it was. "These areas were visited many times by numerous scholars during the Joseon Period ( 1392-1910), and contains many historically and culturally important relics. Three rocks create a large "S" figure as it stands tall in the middle of Namhangang River. This is the only place in the world where you can see such three longest rocks protrude in the middle of a river. "

I say "sweet" and get a picture taken in front of it with my lady.

FYI, this was our ferry boat. If you were "on the shore, then you sure ain't me-O


Nathan D.H. Freeburg said...

Dude, seems like you're on a sweet vacation!

Mr. Erik Johnson said...

Love the post, Pete. I especially enjoyed the Goonies references and tribal jumping video.